Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 3 - Badlands and the Final Meal

Thursday started with a smaller gathering than Wednesday. We had 15 bikes rather than the 38 that we had on the run to Devils Tower. Talking Kioti, we made a change in route and went out and back on interstate rather than go thru construction. Pretty much made a straight thru run to Wall and fueled up. Fifteen bikes is much easier to lead and keep track of rather than the 38 on Tuesday. Next stop was in the Badlands.

Everyone looked in awe of the Badlands. It was as green as I have seen it and according to some locals, this was as green as they have ever seen.

Before we left, there was talk of severe storms during the afternoon. There was one cloud but it moved before we got back to Custer. Dry as a bone for the entire trip. Most everyone else talked about getting caught in rain and some hail.

The first stop at the Badlands.
A nice group photo at the beginning of the Badlands.

A picture of Ells and Wander.

A look at the formations on the road.
Here Dan is trying out a new ride or figuring out how to get his Nomad up there.

Ain't that just beautiful? My bike in the lead.

One of my favorite shots.

More pictures of the Badlands.

Another look behind me. Notice the clouds in the horizon. At one point it looked as thou we would be riding home in the rain. Not a drop the entire trip on this day. Many others were talking about getting soaked on the Devils Tower run that day and many of the side trips that others did.

Nice shot of some of the formations in the Badlands.

Nomads behind me?? Yep.

Here is the Nomad Lineup.

A nice shot of Mr. and Mrs. Coacha

Wednesday evening we had a group meal and drawing for prizes that many members brought from everywhere.
Here Bumblebee (aka Todd) is taking pictures. No you are not going to live down the picture from the Devils Tower Run.

Picture of my table on the left.

Front of the lodge.

We road out with Trip and Crew on our way home Friday morning. It was good finally meeting so many of you. A special thanks to Trip for getting this started

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 2 - Family Day

Wednesday was a free day with a few rides to Needles and Iron Mountain offered. Since my two sisters, brother-in-laws, and two nephews were also vacationing in the Black Hills, I opted to join them for the day since I don’t see them often. It was fun even thou I was not on the Nomad.

We started out with a trip around Custer State Park. There were buffalo everywhere. I didn’t take any pictures of them since I have many pictures from other trips. Had an enjoyable time with the nephews.

My sister Kelly and Owen.

Picture of Spencer

After the park route, we took Needles. They were amazed by the rock formations everywhere.

Spencer loves to climb the rocks. Shortly after we stopped, he wanted to get going. Coming down he almost did a head first drop as he was taking it to fast.

Took a shot of the family.

After Needles, we took Iron Mountain. Everyone was getting the yawns after eating lunch so I got to drive. Too bad it was a mini-van and not the bike but how do you fit that many on the Nomad. Took a stop at the tunnels and took a shot of Mt. Rushmore.

We were talking about who they would put up next if they could. A little to much???

Ended the day in Keystone where we did a little shopping. Spencer found a gentleman at one of the stores who was sitting next to the rubber band guns. He let Spencer try it and he was having a blast. Since he was good, I bought one for him for a surprise later. Told him he could have it if he promised not to shoot his little brother Owen. He immediately said yes but I know how that goes. Probably will end up shooting him but at least it is a rubber band.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 1 - Devils Tower Run

Well, it was fun today. Started early with people getting together and getting ready for the two rides planned. One was to the Badlands and the other was to Devils Tower which I was leader and glwilson was the tail gunner. We had 38 bikes to start and what a sight it was for that many bikes.

The ride started and what a sight and talk about a string of bikes. The first stop was just west of Custer at a sight that burned in a massive fire in 2000.

This picture is from Dan. Only a part of the group. Nice sunny day (just the start). On to Newcastle and then north to Sundance.

Another picture from Dan (how can you take group pictures when you are in the front). The interesting part of a group this big is how much of a slinky. Filled up in Sundance and then off to Devils Tower.

Picture of some of the bikes at Devils Tower.

Yes I was there and here is proof.

As we were sitting there we looked at the top and said, Is that someone on the top. Sure enough here are two people sitting on the edge of the top. Don't think I will do that. Just about the time we were going to leave a nice rain started and everyone suited up. One person claimed (BD) who chose Waterman to lead a ride. My claim was let me suit up and it will quit. Sure enough it quit.

Made a call ahead for the planned place to eat at and they said we close at 2. Darn, we won't make it there in time. I said we have about 45 people to feed. She said wait a minute, what time will you be here. I said between 2 and 2:30. Her statement, we'll be ready.

Good lunch with some nice burgers. Kawagirl had a chicken sandwich and everyone made fun of her in that we are in beef country and she is eating a chicken. The claim was that it really was buzzard or prairie dog.

Left Huelet and went on the road to Spearfish. Hit a couple of showers but nothing bad. Made it to Spearfish canyon and enjoyed the ride up. Stopped at Bridal Falls. Then continued on to Lead and then on to Custer.

Finally made it back into Custer and everyone made it safe and sound. See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Custer here we come

Sorry about not getting anything in yesterday. Long day and many people to meet. Started the morning at 6:30 a.m. on the road is some thick fog for 30 miles +. Stopped at Sidney, NE for some breakfast (no pictures) and met another Nomader who was on the road to Yellowstone. He didn't know anything about Kawanow so I gave him some information and we traded emails. Hopefully he will be on soon. Made it to Bridgeport at 9:00 and check my phone and Todd left a message but it sounded as thou he held the phone out in the wind the entire time. About 9:30 the first group of Nomad's made their way to the designated spot and had a good discussion. Todd and crew showed up about 15 minutes later.

Here is a picture of the group after we made it to Bridgeport.

Hit the road for another 170 miles to Custer. Nothing much to say about the ride other than it was nice weather and it was a site seeing 12 Nomads and a Goldwing in line on the trip.

Here is the group posing at the South Dakota Line. We are closing in on Custer.

Made it into Custer and went straight to the Bavarian Inn. Nice place. It was nice putting faces to names and finally meeting the individuals that we have chatted with for some time. The party went late into the night with everyone gettingto know each other.

I will post more in the morning.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Just getting a blog started for a trip to the Kawanow Rally in Custer. Getting packed and ready will soon happen. I may have been to Custer and the BlackHills many times but I still love the location.