Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 2 - Family Day

Wednesday was a free day with a few rides to Needles and Iron Mountain offered. Since my two sisters, brother-in-laws, and two nephews were also vacationing in the Black Hills, I opted to join them for the day since I don’t see them often. It was fun even thou I was not on the Nomad.

We started out with a trip around Custer State Park. There were buffalo everywhere. I didn’t take any pictures of them since I have many pictures from other trips. Had an enjoyable time with the nephews.

My sister Kelly and Owen.

Picture of Spencer

After the park route, we took Needles. They were amazed by the rock formations everywhere.

Spencer loves to climb the rocks. Shortly after we stopped, he wanted to get going. Coming down he almost did a head first drop as he was taking it to fast.

Took a shot of the family.

After Needles, we took Iron Mountain. Everyone was getting the yawns after eating lunch so I got to drive. Too bad it was a mini-van and not the bike but how do you fit that many on the Nomad. Took a stop at the tunnels and took a shot of Mt. Rushmore.

We were talking about who they would put up next if they could. A little to much???

Ended the day in Keystone where we did a little shopping. Spencer found a gentleman at one of the stores who was sitting next to the rubber band guns. He let Spencer try it and he was having a blast. Since he was good, I bought one for him for a surprise later. Told him he could have it if he promised not to shoot his little brother Owen. He immediately said yes but I know how that goes. Probably will end up shooting him but at least it is a rubber band.

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